behavioural momentum


When building / starting a new community, a main challenge arises. It is that we are influenced and moulded by our past environment. We have been exposed to that environment for a very long time. Our way of being, our behaviours, our thoughts, our way of seeing, is for the biggest part matching that environment.

Thus, if one enters into a new community / environment one brings these internal qualities / behaviours that are greatly influenced by a lived modern life. All those behaviours have momentum and do not change over night. And they must change because they most likely will not match the desired new culture. Fortunately, they can be pruned / redirected and new ones can be cultivated. This does takes time, commitment and effort.

When entering, for example, a tribes culture that is still alive today, it is a different story. The culture has been formed, even though you do not match it behaviourally, the culture present in all people and things around you help you much faster to make those internal changes. Similar to an unsocialised dog being introduced back into a pack. The interactions of the whole pack are helping and guiding the shaping of that dog's behaviour.

When starting a new community project, the desired culture is not present. Presuming for now that everyone knows what the to-aim-for culture looks and feels like. Thus apart from the cultural target, the reinforcement / reflection of that desired culture through others and things is not present. Unlike the unsocialised dog, there is no pack that nudges the person back into alignment.

In that sense, and through my experience, when people start a new community, the binding and guidance that a present culture would bring is lacking. As a result there is no binding of behaviour and the modern world culture and undesired behaviours surface and perpetuate easily.

The idea of dropping a bunch of people into a paradise will most likely result in those people making a mess again. Because the internal qualities and behaviours overpower the passive qualities of that environment. Our behavioural moment will make sure we start doing again what we always have done. It run deeps.

So it is two fold. One is the lack of aim, that can translate into a lack of a deep vision. To cultivate that from the friction of our past and then for a bunch of people have that as a shared goal. Second is the cultivation of a new self that is matching that intended vision.

Both are challenge for sure.

One of many ways that can help influence that challenge in a positive direction is the power of environment

2024.09.05 active collective memory