modelling environment


The impact of a local environment on behaviour is one I like to focus on when it comes to arranging a habitat. It is easy to find oneself in an environment that does not match up with the actual way one wants to live. When done right, the environment can free energy and support / cultivate / direct desired behaviour.

A beautiful thing about making a change to the environment is that from the moment the change is introduced, it will keep exerting its influence till the end of time. It can be seen as a passive always present force that continues to influence the behaviour of the environment dwellers. Those environmental changes, big or small, are investments that stack and compound behavioural benefits over time.

One example of an environmental change could be to introduce a low dining table into the kitchen or living room. This change could be the result of a health related need as one could desire to introduce a more diverse pallet.

Making this change in the environment is a one time investment. From the moment the change is introduced it will keep guiding one's sitting behaviour on a daily basis. Every time one takes place at the lowered table one will be inclined to sit closely to the ground. Sitting directly on the ground is different compared to sitting in a chair. Sitting on the ground results in maintaining / developing a more complex range of movements. It does so without introducing another compensational or time consuming practice/activity. The newly guided behaviour integrates neatly into daily life.

Environment is not limited to a physical environment our bodies can enter. Another example of an environment could be the start screen of your phone. One could manage that environment as well. One could remove apps or shortcuts that one does not actually want to use. More so, replace them with apps that you do want to use. Thus supporting one's desired new way to interact with the phone by making the desired app choice obvious and the undesired app choice harder or none excitant.

Once an environmental change is put in place there is no energy involvement needed on behalf of the user when it comes to remembering, evaluating, deciding or choice making. The choice and intent to change has been made in the past and is reflected in a change in one's environment. This change will direct a more favourable behaviour in the future. It helps free future energy as the path of least resistance, that leads to the desired behaviour, has been changed.

The environment is now on your side. It nudges you into establishing the desired behaviour on a daily basis, and that is a huge thing.