one step closer
by Matthias •
Since a long time, I went out again for a run. As in most activities, if not all, Spot joins me. Going for a walk or a run is one thing he gets excited about each and every time.
Near the end of our runs, he often replenishes himself with water from a puddle. It is so inspiring to see that he can fill in this basic need so easily from within his environment. The path from his need to fulfilment is so short and effortless.
Even though Spot's and my environment are the same, I was not eager to drink from a puddle. The action that did lay within my reach was to refresh myself with the water from the puddle.
So inspired by Spot, I squat myself down next to the puddle whilst Spot is still eagerly drinking. My hand scoops clear and cool water and bring refreshment to my body.
That's it, that's all, nothing more to say really.
It's these little behaviours, these little actions, that I allow myself. One might think it is a silly little thing to do. In and of itself it does not carry much weight indeed. But adding and consciously integrating new behaviours do accumulate into a bigger complex. They are little steps of my own choosing that over time bring me closer to a way of life that I desire.